The more right wing/conservative news companies such as Fox News will always blame the victim just because the shooter was a cop, therefore he had to be right. Fox News who has been well known for being against the Obama administration has blamed the killings on the victims countless times, for example with the death of Michael Brown they labelled him a "Thug" and "Thief" shortly after the CCTV footage from the store in front of which Micheal Brown was killed. In the footage Brown can be seen stealing, which was completely irrelevant to the situation as a policeman shouldn't react to a petty thief by killing him.
Most of the news companies reacted the same way although didn't use the word "thug" so they didn't add as much salt to the wound. Another case of the media totally misunderstanding the situation was when two cops in New York were killed by some vigilantes. Fox News and others called out the mayor for being "Anti-cop" among other things.
The Orlando shooting that took place at the club "Pulse" was having a Latino night and almost all of the identified victims were of Latino origin. In such a tragic event the media has yet again forgotten people of colour and are making it a Muslim vs America issue instead of Bigots vs the LGBTQ+ community. The shooters parents are Muslim although the shooter himself was not and still the media decides to paint his as such.
As a white person I of course don't understand and will never feel what people of colour all over America have to experience in their everyday lives. But one thing that I do understand is that the media is doing a horrible job of portraying events like how they actually happened, and they do a worse job when people of colour are somehow involved. When a newspaper releases a story about a white criminal they include a photo of them smiling with their family and start to list all the good things they did. But when the criminal is a POC its a mugshot with all the bad things the person did, no matter how insignificant it was.