Wednesday, 20 January 2016


to develop an understanding of the laws surrounding radio reporting

identify the purpose of these areas of law

there are many reasons why reporting restrictions exist, generally its to protect people

some are automatic - they always exist

some are discretionary - the judge decides

automatic ones in criminal proceedings include (there are more):
the victims of sexual assault
youth court proceedings
sending proceedings in a magistrates court
alleged offences by teachers against pupils

sexual offences (amendment) act 1992

crime and disorder act 1998

generally children are tries in the youth court but sometimes they are not
children identities are automatically protected in youth court but not so in adult court
if a case is tried in an adult court - a judge can place something called a section order - to protect the identity of the person

reporting restrictions - victims of sexual assault

election coverage
communication act 2003
all parties should be given equal coverage - this generally refers to the major parties but can include minor parties where appropriate
the bbc has its own guidelines for election reporting

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