Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Multimedia Journalism Brands & Social Media

 This is the front page of, it has a main article which is the article that was released the latest, above that an advert that would somewhat fit Vice's viewer demographic, and below the main article some smaller laters ones which focus on different things and different interests

This is the lower part of the Vice homepage, here you can see the variety of articles which stay with the same aesthetic of the page, the same box size, font and size of writing.

This is the homepage of The Guardian, there are ads visible, one big main article, and smaller articles, most of them don't have images as there probably wasn't a image available for the certain article and topic. All the writing is in the same font and font size, all the headlines are also all in their own specific colour and font size. There are some information on the left like the weather for example and there are different sections for different news.

This is the homepage of The Times, again ads are visible, different sections for different news, same font for most writing with varying sizes, all the standard features of a homepage, like most other news websites there are the big current main articles followed by lots of less significant smaller articles.

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