Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Marketing Campaigns

The most memorable thing from the Wolfenstein: The New Order marketing campaign was of course remaking the classic music and images from the 40s to 60s to in someway include the Nazi's

 This image is showing two Nazi's in gas masks walking through occupied Paris which seems to have been hit by poison gas, civilians begging for life can be seen as the Nazi on the left pulls out a Luger from his holster to finish off the civilian
This is showing a judge at a football match shooting a player in the head after he has refused to accept a red card
 This is the classic image of Neil Armstrong who planted the American flag on the moon but in this reworked image its a Nazi planting the swastika on the moon

 The original image

This is again a reworked image from the end of the second world war where an America sailor embraces and kisses a nurse on the street in New York, except that in this version it is a German soldier in Paris, and the nurse doesn't seem to be enjoying it

The original image

This is the moment which changed the course of the second world war, the Nazi's came up with the atomic bomb before the Americans and they drop it onto New York

Another part of the Wolfenstein: The New Order's marketing campaign was the reworking of classic 60s songs to be in German as though the Germans have came up with the songs first

The logo of the alternate history recording company

 Some of their reworked songs include songs like House of the Rising Sun By The Animals to re rerecorded in German, other songs like Nowhere to Run have also re rerecorded as well as Surfin USA, Last Train to Clarksville etc.

The songs originally came with the collectors edition of the game in original looking boxes and also on vinyl.

 The game obviously came with trailers, live action trailers, cgi trailers and in-game trailers and there was a lot of them
 And it also came with loads and loads of posters inspired by 60s pop culture and the game in general

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