Thursday, 17 November 2016

Radio advert analysis


What style of radio advert is it?

It is a very humorous advert that tries to get the listeners attention by giving one of the characters in the advert a sort of monologue explaining why Twix's are great. This is definitely a modern advert as this sort of mockery of an inspirational advert would have been rare in the past.

What was the overall message

The message of the advert was to jokingly inform people that if they aren't having a Twix with their tea then they are drinking their tea wrong and what they are doing is exactly the opposite of what this country stands for. Of course from the inspirational monologue at the beginning we can see that this is a humorous advert that was made to attract the attention of the audience with its sarcastic yet still serious speech from one of the adverts' characters.

What types of voices were used in the advert?

A simple British female voice was used at the beginning and end of the advert and it was followed by a British male with an inspirational tone was used in the middle of the advert.

What tone of language was used?

The tone of the advert was very much humorous and sort of sarcastic. The middle section of the advert with the male speaker doing his monologue about Twix had a very inspirational tone yet still sounded sarcastic because of the things he was comparing Twix and tea to.

Was there a tag line / slogan / terms and conditions?

There was no slogan or terms and conditions but a "Twix and Tea, happy together" could be interpreted as a tag line.

How many times was the product of company name mentioned?

The name "Twix" was used 5 times in this advert.

Were there any contact details mentioned?

No contact details were mentioned.

What music or sound effects were used?

The music in this advert were a very inspirational piece of music in the middle of the ad and an upbeat song that could have been used as a sort of jingle. One of the sound effects used was a phone ringing and another one was a record scratch. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Ethics in Journalism

The shooting of Michael Brown has started the Ferguson unrest which resulted in more than a thousand people of colour being killed by police since August 2014. The way the American media has responded has been absolutely shocking. Almost all of the major American news companies say that institutional racism in America has died the moment that Barack Obama took office as president, without realising that he is the president and not an ordinary person of colour trying to stay alive in a world dominated by predominantly white males. People of colour in America have struggled for their lives and their respect for over 300 years now and the news companies think that 300+ years of abuse, murder and enslavement will be all forgotten because there is a black president. 

The more right wing/conservative news companies such as Fox News will always blame the victim just because the shooter was a cop, therefore he had to be right. Fox News who has been well known for being against the Obama administration has blamed the killings on the victims countless times, for example with the death of Michael Brown they labelled him a "Thug" and "Thief" shortly after the CCTV footage from the store in front of which Micheal Brown was killed. In the footage Brown can be seen stealing, which was completely irrelevant to the situation as a policeman shouldn't react to a petty thief by killing him. 

Most of the news companies reacted the same way although didn't use the word "thug" so they didn't add as much salt to the wound. Another case of the media totally misunderstanding the situation was when two cops in New York were killed by some vigilantes. Fox News and others called out the mayor for being "Anti-cop" among other things.

The Orlando shooting that took place at the club "Pulse" was having a Latino night and almost all of the identified victims were of Latino origin. In such a tragic event the media has yet again forgotten people of colour and are making it a Muslim vs America issue instead of Bigots vs the LGBTQ+ community. The shooters parents are Muslim although the shooter himself was not and still the media decides to paint his as such.

As a white person I of course don't understand and will never feel what people of colour all over America have to experience in their everyday lives. But one thing that I do understand is that the media is doing a horrible job of portraying events like how they actually happened, and they do a worse job when people of colour are somehow involved. When a newspaper releases a story about a white criminal they include a photo of them smiling with their family and start to list all the good things they did. But when the criminal is a POC its a mugshot with all the bad things the person did, no matter how insignificant it was.

Digital Graphics Evaluation

The colour scheme used for my design was quite bold, the colours jump out at you and are very visible and vibrant while still keeping in with the theme. The colour palette was quite limited because I didn't want to over do it without and need for it. I chose the colours to fit in with the theme and with what they were supposed to represent, the red baron was red, the tank was a normal army green colour, etc. I think that the colours I used were successful because it all came out really well and it all fits together and works together

I didn't use any text in my design as I didn't think that it was necessary

I think that my design reflects the theme very well as it showcases some of the more memorable things from world war 1, such as the Red Baron, the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand and the Mk IV Tank. The imaginary is quite abstract as none of the things pictured would be in the same place/same scale.All of the images used in this design are photographs and have been altered in some way or another. If I had the room or ideas for more memorable items from the first world war, then yes there would be more images used in the design.

For all of the editing I used Photoshop. All of the images have had their original backgrounds removed using a very precise eraser tool instead of the magnetic lasso tool or the magic wand tool as they tend to leave a lot of pixel marks on images with lower resolution, so I used a very small eraser to very carefully erase the backgrounds from the images. The images would later be re scaled and put into their positions. Then the threshold of the image would be changed to take away from of the detail and make it a more blobby sort of shape. Then I would use the dissolve option mixed in with a coloured backgrounds for all the images to give them this very colourful look.

I'm really happy with how this image came out and I think the most successful thing about it is the editing. A lot of time and work went into all the editing and I think it all payed off very well.

Conglomerate Presentation

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Photography assignment evaluation

When I was thinking of my topic I was considering what I might have an understanding of, and what I might be able to get a quality photograph without being cliché, for example if I did the topic ‘’love’’ I would have done something else than a picture of two people kissing. My chosen topic was “Power” and I feel like I chose the right place to take pictures for that topic. My image interprets power in that everything powerful at one point breaks down. Everything fails and everything collapses. I took my pictures in an abandoned military training site that was closed down in 2006, ever since then it’s a shadow of its former self with the whole place falling apart and with a lot of exposed electrical appliances and various destroyed power sources. I think that burnt out and destroyed power sources, in an abandoned military training site would be the perfect subject for my interpretation of power.

When I was taking the pictures I tried going for a very raw and dark feeling that would fit in with the whole burnt out and abandoned vibe. The only light that was used was the camera flash that was necessary to actually be able to see anything in the buildings, as there aren’t any working lights there. The place I finally chose for these pictures was, as I said earlier a abandoned military training site that was closed down in 2006 after most of the crew working there was transferred somewhere else and the site was of little strategic importance.

Before I went to the site I had to prepare some gear, a tripod and some lights (which I didn’t end up using) to be specific. I researched the site to see which buildings would be the most interesting such as the administrative building and the multiple boiler rooms and some sort of power management rooms. Unfortunately one of the more interesting places, the radio control room was blocked off and I wasn’t able to get there.

The only edits I did to photos was using the dodge tool on some of the darker areas in order to bring in some details. Other editing was not required as I wanted to keep a very raw and fresh look to the images and wanted to use minimum editing.

I am very happy with the photos I have taken and how they came out when they were printed. The only response I got from others was that the photos were too dark, and because of those responses I decided to use the dodge tool to lighten the darker areas of the images.

I think that thank to this assignment I improved my skills of preparation, I came prepared with all my gear, some which I didn’t even use but it was still there nevertheless. Another skill I think I might have improved was setting up the camera to take high quality photos in low light with no tripod, the terrain was really so rough inside one of the buildings that there was no room to set the tripod up to have it stable and to take a high quality image.

The low light in most of the buildings might have actually helped me because they helped me to get that raw and natural vibe with little effect on the quality of the photo and it’s still what I wanted to achieve as a final goal.

For most of the photos that were taken inside, the floor was almost gone and was replaced by pebbles and rubble, there was no way to set the tripod up properly, or any of the lights, to combat that I need to lower the aperture and turn on the automatic flash so that the image can actually be seen. After telling my friend about the horrible conditions in most of the buildings he told me that I could have buried the legs of the tripod in all the rock and rubble and that it should keep the camera and the tripod steady, that might be an area of self management.

At the time when I took those pictures my technical ability was quite limited as I was used to going out with my brother who is an actual photographer who normally helps me with setting up the camera and everything else, because of that I began to set up the camera myself and think of how I was going to take a specific picture myself without the need of his guidance. Because of that one session I am now better at setting up my own camera and I understand things such as aperture, shutter speed and depth of field much better.

Overall I am very happy with how my pictures came out and I am glad with the topic I chose and with what objects I decided to photograph.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Magazine assignment report

In this report I am writing to explain the types and purposes of different methods of research. I will try to explain the difference between primary and secondary research, what those two provide and the advantages and disadvantages to both.

There are two main types of research, primary and secondary. Both types of research have their advantages and disadvantages and they both produce different information for different uses. Primary research is new research, which is carried out to answer specific questions. It is mostly done by questionnaires, surveys or interviews. Secondary research is information that has already been researched by somebody else for other purposes and it is all publicly available. Straight away we can see some advantages and disadvantages to both, the advantages of primary research is that it is always unique information from specific people who have different opinions and outlooks on things. The advantages of secondary research on the other hand is that it is already there, is is much cheaper and much quicker to get a lot of information and statistics for whatever you are looking for. The disadvantages of primary research is that is that it can be very time consuming and very expensive and then secondary research can be very outdated or unreliable.

There are things such as RAJAR and BARB that are used by wealthy companies to conduct primary research into whatever the company wanted, they have many ways of doing that, calling people personally, internet surveys, questionnaires etc. RAJAR and BARB are essential for a culture that is constantly changing and for companies that need to constantly be adapting to the ever changing world.

Many specific companies or newspapers will use outlets such as RAJAR to conduct research on a specific group of people, people of higher education, lower income, middle class people, people in a specific age group or a specific sex. The research can be filtered down and categorised as much as the company pleases.


Considerations for the Creative Assignment

I'm thinking about taking my dslr or my film camera, a dslr would be much easier to operate and might produce images of much higher quality where as a film camera might produces images that look somewhat more lively and have a little more character to them, scratches and dust on the mirror will also add an authentic vintage feel to the images.

I'm also thinking about either going out during the evening or when the sun begins to set, during the evening the sun will be at it's peak in terms of sunlight and will help to make much lighter images, but later during the day the iso can be made higher to produce a light image along with a lot of grain which might again give the picture a more vintage feel.

The weather should also be considered, if its too windy it might be tricky to take a picture standing up with out a tripod and using a tripod might limit the movability inside, I imagine that a sunny day with minimal wind would be the best.

I should absolutely be taking a tripod with me and I shouldn't even be considering it, a tripod should always be with my whenever I go to take pictures so that I have it just in case, also the tripod will help to take pictures that have a longer exposure.

I think that my theme for this will be ''power'' so I will also have to think about a place that could show that in my own personal way, and I'm thinking of frasers gunnery range which I believe is an abandoned military testing site of some sort, it is currently in the process of being taken apart but that process has been going on for a few decades now. The place is littered with old radio equipment and old army equipment.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


to develop an understanding of the laws surrounding radio reporting

identify the purpose of these areas of law

there are many reasons why reporting restrictions exist, generally its to protect people

some are automatic - they always exist

some are discretionary - the judge decides

automatic ones in criminal proceedings include (there are more):
the victims of sexual assault
youth court proceedings
sending proceedings in a magistrates court
alleged offences by teachers against pupils

sexual offences (amendment) act 1992

crime and disorder act 1998

generally children are tries in the youth court but sometimes they are not
children identities are automatically protected in youth court but not so in adult court
if a case is tried in an adult court - a judge can place something called a section order - to protect the identity of the person

reporting restrictions - victims of sexual assault

election coverage
communication act 2003
all parties should be given equal coverage - this generally refers to the major parties but can include minor parties where appropriate
the bbc has its own guidelines for election reporting

Practical Photography - Movement - LO2

What is shutter speed? - Shutter speed is the time in which the shutter is open and how much light it lets in

What is it measured in? - It is measured in fractions of seconds

How do you change it on a DSLR? - You set the camera to mode ''Tv'' and change the number that would look like this 8''

What happens if the shutter is open too long? - The image will the become over exposed and will become very bright and unable to be fixed in photoshop

What happens if it is not open long enough? - Then the image would become under exposed and become too dark