Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Research Methods - Skills Check

The two main methods of research in the media industry are Quantitive and Qualitative research, Quantitive research is the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena through statistical, mathematical or computational techniques, Qualitative research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitate research.

The pros and cons for these types of research might be that quantitive research might be harder to obtain and might not always provide what you are a producer are looking for, but the obtained information can be very useful nevertheless and is crucial for any new business. Qualitative research is very useful to provide you with the information needed when starting a new business and just as quantitate research it is crucial to any new business, the cons of it might be that it might not be reliable.

Quantitive research produces mathematical information, statistics, numbers and such. Quantitive research can be more insightful and it provides you with opinions and things like that.

To find out how many people watched last night's news I would use quantitive research because it would provide me with statistics that will become useful in finding out how many people watched last night's news

Three organisations that provide this type of information are BARB (Broadcasters' Audience Research Board), RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research) and NRS (National Readership Survey). These organisations provide the contractor with quantitive research, they provide information such as: watch time, in which room what is being watched, what channels are bring watched, etc.

Audiences are normally categorised based on their gender, income/wealth, geography, age

Studio Photography 2

 This could be a shot for a travel and tourism magazine, maybe advertising a British vacation in December or September
 This would be for a political or a business magazine
 Maybe a magazine for young entrepreneurs
 Same with this one
And this one maybe, or this could be used for a movie magazine
 This photo and all the ones below would be used for a serious political or business magazine or a magazine about movies and actors

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Purpose of Research 2

Market research is the process of collecting valuable information to help you find out if there is a market for your proposed product or service. All the information gathered from the market research helps budding entrepreneurs make wise and profitable decisions

Market research would be used if the person designing or releasing the product wants it to become profitable, the creator needs to know what people want and needs to tailor his product to their needs or alternatively needs to see what kind of people would like his product and needs to tailor it to them.

Market research would provide the creator with the basic over-view and the basic landscape of the public opinion on things and on what people want and what they are willing to pay for. The kind of information that would be found in market research might be who is currently buying what you have for sale, what the people who buy your product are like, why people are not buying it, who is your competitor, what is the right price and etc.

An example of market research might be the Coca-Cola fail in the mid 1980s during the decline of coca-cola. The company believed that the decline of coca-cola was its taste, and not the marketing, so ''New Coke'' was born, New Coke was a much sweeter version of the original cola. The Coca-Cola company did blind taste tests with 20,000 people and the majority favoured the New Coke over the original version and Pepsi. What went wrong was that they assumed that taste was the deciding factor in consumer purchase behaviour. The consumers also weren't told that Coca-Cola was going to discontinue the original coke in favour of the new recipe. The other thing that went wrong was that no one at the Coca-Cola company realised the symbolic value and emotional involvement people had with the original coke, that may have been the deciding point in the failure of New Coke.

Production research is always needed when developing a new product. It is research to help give information on the characteristics of the product. It focuses on the production of a product, in other words, how it's made. For example, advertisements are all made to sell themselves to the audience, so its down to the producers of the adverts to use production research to get more information on characteristics

When companies do production research it helps them see an overview of the commercial viability, which is businesses skills to be successful and gain profit. The company has to be commercially viable first otherwise the won't be as profitable as they want to be and will start to go downhill

Purposes of Research

RAJAR stands for Radio Joint Audience Research, BARD stands for Broadcasters' Audience Research Board.

RAJAR works for the BBC and licensed commercial stations and BARB works for BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, BSkyB and the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising), Both RAJAR and BARB are contracted out by different companies to gather data and that is how they get funded.

Both BARB and RAJAR have paying individuals who have agreed to be part of the program, BARB has approximately 11,500 individuals and RAJAR has approximately 100,000 individuals who are paying to be a part of the program and who provide the data.

Their data is crucial to media producers because thanks to their data the media producers know what people want to watch so that they don't have to bother making something people won't like. RAJAR's and BARB's data is very important to many different companies who work in the media industry and it is not just about tv shows.

What the data provides might be good and it might also be bad, depending on how you look at it, on one hand you've got the majority of the people watching what they want and the producers of whatever it is get payed well and become successful, on the other hand you've got people that aren't the majority and perhaps don't want the same things as everyone else, so they won't get the product they want, but it also makes it hard for indie producers to make a start and it can also be hard for tv shows that somewhat differ from the norm. 

Both BARB and RAJAR are definitely doing quantitate research, they monitor how long someone watches a  show, what show is being watched, what room it is being watched in, all the date then is collected overnight and published as overnight ratings, there is a lot of math and a lot of numbers that are very important to this reasearch and without them all this research wouldn't work.

Jasper James Portrait

Photoshop edits Before and After

First I removed the green background using the magic wand tool with a high toleration to get all the green, I later removed the rest of the green from the hair and clothes using the colour replacement tool and just using my hair colour as the replacement. I then got a picture of the mojave desert which was later edited to look more purple to resemble a nuclear wasteland, dust clouds were also added. I then got a picture of a Fallout Vault suit, cropped it, added it into the file and then just played around with the size and the angle to fit my body

Viral Marketing Campaign

The Viral marketing campaign will include posters, videos, ARG's and a scavenger hunt of some kind. The posters will be the classic world war 2 recruitment and propaganda posters created by the American and British government, but reworked to be in German and be about Germany and against the allies. The videos will be historical events of the 20th century such as the moon landing or the end of world war 2, but yet again reworked to include the germans as the successors and as the victors. The ARG will be the classic Wolfenstein 3D reworked to include the new German uniforms and general reworked graphics, one of the interesting things about the original games were the secret rooms found behind busts of Hitler and paintings and such, well in this version behind the secret walls will be clues about the new game. The scavenger hunt will include finding the posters in the real world and defacing them, instructions on what to do with those posters and which ones to deface, the information on that will be given to certain people who will then have to spread the word, these specific people would be one of the first people to discover the clues inside the ARG.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The audiences are categorised in ways that will make them easier to appeal to, those categories might include their socio economic stand, their location and their likes and interested .

The NRS is the National Readership Survey which is a joint venture company in the UK between the Institute of Partitioners in Advertising, the Newspaper Publishers association and the periodical Publishers Association. It provides audiences research for print advertising train in the UK

The standard Q reader would probably be between 20-45 years old, more likely male, a standard worker or maybe a labourer.

The average reader would be a music fan in their 20s-40s

Subject is smiling, looking away from the camera with his body pointed towards the edge of the room. The study used a three point light set up with the key light, backlight and fill light.

Health and Safety in Photography

Studio lights are normally very powerful and very bright, not looking directly at them would be the best idea

Lots of lights means lots of cables which provide a trip hazard, being careful and looking where you're going would be a good precaution

Powerful power sources are dangerous in and of themselves so they should be taken care of and checked on

The base of the background could be a potential trip risk if not assembled or set up properly

A limited amount of people in the studio at a time to avoid risks of tripping over people or cables

Viral Campaign posters

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Practical photography - Composition LO2


The term 'composition' stands for the placement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section

Focal Points

The focal points in photography are the main points in the image like the centre of the image or the main 'thing' in the picture,

Vice Media

The name of the company is Vice, they generally focus on topics that would be interesting for millenials, such as drugs, crime, war etc.Vice Media is based in New York city. Vice Media is not a part of another company but it is owned by 21st Century Fox. This company has other parts of it such as Fightland (focuses on boxing), Vice News, Noisey (music and music production), Munchies (food), Broadly (focuses mainly on women and female rights) and many others that haven't yet quite caught on. There isn't one single person who takes care of all the hiring, every single branch of Vice Media has their own hiring staff. Again there are too many branches of Vice Media and they all have offices in various countries. Some interesting info is that the company was founded by Suroosh Alvi & Shane Smith, they both met while at a drug rehab centre in Montreal, Vice Media had a foreign journalist to embed with Isis for a few weeks and thanks to that the world had an insight into the world of the caliphate.Working at Vice would give me an opportunity to experience what new age journalism is like, they have branches of the company that goes in every directions in which you want to go and it would give me an opportunity to do what I want to do.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is easily the most known painter to come out of the Netherlands. He died too early to know the popularity that his work would receive. Born in 1853 in the Netherlands Van Gogh was the son of a pastor, Vincent was very emotional and had little self confidence. He first took of drawing as he believed all great artists started with drawing.  All together Van Gogh has produced more than 900 paintings, a 1000 drawings, 150 watercol
our paintings, 10 graphic works, 9 lithographs and an etching.

His paintings have a very varied palette of colours and his paintings were very bold and quite dark. He uses a lot of colours and he uses them very successfully and puts them all to good use, he makes great use of a lot of tones of blue for the sky in basically all of his paintings, all the skies are dramatic yet colourful and look as some sort of optical illusion. 

Van Gogh had an interesting style as his paintings very of realistic things but he found ways to make them seem abstract making him one of the earliest abstract painters.

In any of Van Gogh's painting your eyes will be either first draw to the abstract blue sky or anything below it, which is normally some sort of field in a very hay-like yellow colour. The eye would be drawn to the lightest parts such as the moon in his darker paintings, or the sky or trees as in his lighter paintings.

The only tools that Van Gogh used to create his paintings were, paint brushes, paints and his eyes.

All of Van Gogh's paintings were painted in his very specific way which is hard to duplicate or even attempt to have a go at, all of his paintings are masterpieces that shouldn't be changed.
Some of his most famous paintings

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Article and bibliography share links

Article -

Article bibliography -

Article bibliography

Unit 56 Viral Campaign

Tron : Legacy - 42 Entertainment viral campaign 

The Tron Legacy campaign was a transmedia campaign including, websites, video games, scavenger hunts, exclusive collectables, custom made video and audio content.

The campaign started with exclusive collectables leaking out into the world, social media buzz being created and a back story of sorts as context for the whole campaign, a scavenger hunt located at a abandoned parking lot during San Diego Comic Con which lead people to the replica of Flynn's arcade from the original Tron movie starring Jeff Bridges. At the arcade the game machine for Tron had a hidden entrance behind it that was unlocked to show the fans exclusive content for the upcoming movie such as props from the film.

Following that were iconic characters from the original movie called ''bits'' that were sent out to key influencers which led to another scavenger hunt. The fake company of Encom have created a real press conference for the company, that in term was supposed to be stopped by the Flynn Lives movement which included the actor playing Flynn's son parachute down into the press conference to 
stop it

 The ''Tron'' video game arcade being moved to reveal a hidden door in the wall that leads to show some of the props for the upcoming movie

One of the exclusive collectables from the movie and one of the parts of the mass world scavenge hunt, one of the ''bits'' from the original movie
Inside of Flynn's arcade in San Diego during Comic Con, the arcade itself was an actual fully working arcade with tons of old arcade cabinets and other ''arcade like'' activities.
 One of the props for the movie behind the Tron game cabinet, the light bike which is quite appropriately named, which is a big part of the original and the new movie
 The fluorescent arcade sign outside of Flynn's arcade, the sign is in the 80s arcade style and in the same sort of font as was used for the Flynn Lives campaign

Another one of the fluorescent lights inside of the arcade which add to the 80s feel of the whole place

Link to the rundown of the entire campaign -

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Marketing Campaigns

The most memorable thing from the Wolfenstein: The New Order marketing campaign was of course remaking the classic music and images from the 40s to 60s to in someway include the Nazi's

 This image is showing two Nazi's in gas masks walking through occupied Paris which seems to have been hit by poison gas, civilians begging for life can be seen as the Nazi on the left pulls out a Luger from his holster to finish off the civilian
This is showing a judge at a football match shooting a player in the head after he has refused to accept a red card
 This is the classic image of Neil Armstrong who planted the American flag on the moon but in this reworked image its a Nazi planting the swastika on the moon

 The original image

This is again a reworked image from the end of the second world war where an America sailor embraces and kisses a nurse on the street in New York, except that in this version it is a German soldier in Paris, and the nurse doesn't seem to be enjoying it

The original image

This is the moment which changed the course of the second world war, the Nazi's came up with the atomic bomb before the Americans and they drop it onto New York

Another part of the Wolfenstein: The New Order's marketing campaign was the reworking of classic 60s songs to be in German as though the Germans have came up with the songs first

The logo of the alternate history recording company

 Some of their reworked songs include songs like House of the Rising Sun By The Animals to re rerecorded in German, other songs like Nowhere to Run have also re rerecorded as well as Surfin USA, Last Train to Clarksville etc.

The songs originally came with the collectors edition of the game in original looking boxes and also on vinyl.

 The game obviously came with trailers, live action trailers, cgi trailers and in-game trailers and there was a lot of them
 And it also came with loads and loads of posters inspired by 60s pop culture and the game in general

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Political bias

The Sun - The Conservatives
The Guardian - Labour Party
The Mirror - Conservatives
The Mail - Liberal Democrats

Oddly satisfying

I really like this image because it is so oddly satisfying, its just a picture of a bench with snow on it, but the symmetrical shape the snow has taken satisfies people with OCD and people who just like symmetry. The point of interest is obviously the snow on the bench which has perfectly laid on the bench to create that smooth and symmetric shape. The simplicity of this image is also beautiful, just a picture of the snow on the bench. The viewpoint and the angle is just right, seeing most of the bench and seeing it in 3 dimensions showing everything off. The shapes and lines on the snow are just perfect just match correctly with the bench and are basically the same everywhere. The lighting is also nice as it seems to be mostly natural winter light instead of flashes or other electrical lights. The background of the image is also strangely satisfying where the snow below the edge of the bench is also very smooth and very defined.

Objective and Subjective Observations

Objetive - Its a little toddler on the beach, possibly dead, it could be a beach anywhere in the world and doesn't resemble a beach anywhere specific in the world. You wouldn't be able to straight away identify the ethnicity of the child because he looks just like any other child from anywhere in Europe.

Subjective - This is a Syrian toddler that has drowned on the sea while trying to get to the Greek island of Kos but his ship has unfortunately sunk killing everyone on board, including this child. His body washed up on a Turkish beach until he was picked up and taken off the beach.

Kate Moross Typography

 Kate Moross creates a lot of different pieces of work, but most of her most popular pieces are things like this, creative typography with varying shapes, sizes and colours of typefaces arranged in a specific way to create an image like this.
Kate Moross has produced a lot of work for a lot of different companies and events, she does a lot of work for festivals and also the musicians in her record label. This particular piece of work is for a festival and the musicians featured here are the ones that are to play at the festival.

Her work is also inspired by pop culture and popular thing, like the internet for example. She uses loads of very bright colours to create these works and in a lot of them uses geometric shapes which are all hand drawn and later tweaked and coloured in programs like Illustrator or Photoshop.

Her works is also inspired just by things she likes, food that she likes, her favourite type of music, favourite musician etc. For the ones about her own interests she uses loads of geometric shapes and a lot of pastel colours that would be accompanied by a darker background and a darker outline to shapes.

Kate Moross is an illustrator and graphic designer based in London. She has worked on various projects and has worked for various companies